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Fall Burning

11/1/2024 (Permalink)

Tips for burning list of tips for burning

Here are some tips for burning outdoors in the fall: 

  • Check local laws: Before burning, make sure you're aware of the rules in your area. Some jurisdictions may ban burning. 
  • Get a permit: Check for a burn permit to see if conditions are safe for burning. 
  • Choose a safe location: Build your fire in an open, level area that's at least 25 feet away from structures or anything that can burn. 
  • Keep it small: Build small, manageable burn piles. 
  • Use dry wood: Well-dried wood burns more cleanly and releases less smoke. You can use a moisture meter to check the moisture content of your fuel. 
  • Keep a water source nearby: Have a hose, bucket of water, or shovel and dirt or sand on hand to extinguish the fire. 
  • Stay with the fire: Never leave a fire unattended. Stay with your fire until it's completely out. 
  • Don't burn trash: Burning trash, plastic, and hazardous materials can cause health issues. 
  • Don't burn on windy days: Hot embers can be blown into dry grasses or leaves by the wind. 
  • Create firebreaks: Establish wide firebreaks around burn piles to contain embers. 
  • Check your insurance: Check with your insurance agent to make sure you have the proper coverage. 

Be Smart – it has been very dry this fall.  The ground and any trees in the area are going to be excessively dry. 

Winter Weather Warnings

1/28/2021 (Permalink)

tree in winter Winter Warnings

10 Things the National Weather Service Wants You to Know about Winter Weather Forecasts

  1. 'Not everyone in a winter storm warning is going to get a lot of snow/ice. Some will get nothing at all.'

Forecasters err on the side of caution to ensure nobody is caught off-guard by a crippling storm, and some winter storm warnings will be too large instead of too small. This allows everyone to be properly warned inside an area that may get hit by the storm, but not everyone will always feel the full effects of the system.

  1. 'It's very unlikely that any snow amount forecast – especially days in advance – will be exactly right.'

Wondering why your area is forecast to receive eight to 12 inches of snow? The science still isn't precise enough to give your town an exact snow total before the storm starts. If you're seeing forecasts that say your town will get exactly 8.6 inches of snow from an event, take it with a grain of salt. Also, the NWS adds that the snow/sleet line isn't as exact as you'll see on some maps.

  1. 'Don't focus so much on the exact numbers.'

In many cases, the NWS said, forecasters can give you an exact location of where the heaviest snow will fall as opposed to exact snow totals, as mentioned above. Focus on that aspect of the forecast, and if you're in one of those areas predicted to get crushed by snow, take appropriate precautions.

  1. 'The first forecast numbers won't usually be as good as the ones closer to the event. That's just the way it is.'

This one is very important, and it's a complaint that forecasters frequently hear. Just because the forecast five days ago said you'd get 12 inches of snow doesn't mean you should stop following the forecast. As meteorologists refine the data, those forecasts may change. If you tuned out five days before the event, you can't complain when the actual event is accurately predicted. It's critical that you follow the forecast, because it may evolve.

  1. 'Often there will be a small area – maybe a county wide – of heavy snow embedded within the main snow band. It is very difficult to pinpoint exactly where this will set up in advance.'

When your forecast says "isolated higher amounts," that's what this means. There's a chance you'll get hit by the heaviest snow from a band, but it's not guaranteed.

  1. 'Forecasts are updated constantly from days before the event until it actually begins.'

This goes back to No. 4. Forecasts could change several times a day when new data comes in, so you should check back frequently. If you don't do that, you'll have old information.

  1. 'People tend to focus on and remember the highest number, even if it's from a forecast they heard days ago.'

"The forecast said 12 inches, why didn't we get 12 inches of snow?" is the type of response your favorite meteorologist hears all winter long. Chances are, he or she said "eight to 12 inches," but snow-lovers always lock in on the highest number they hear. You should expect to see accumulations in a range give by the forecaster in his or her most recent forecast.

  1. 'Forecasts ... often get lumped together, and attributed to the generic "they."'

We're not responsible for the snow forecast given to you by the person who bags your groceries. Secondhand forecasting is often bad forecasting.

  1. 'It seems like the more people are talking about it, the worse it's going to be, but that's not always the case.'

Social media tends to blow weather events out of proportion, and it seems the further out we can forecast a big event, the crazier the chatter gets. If the forecast for a snow event in your area seems too good to be true, it probably is. That's a good sign to check in with a trusted forecaster and see what's the latest.

  1. 'Having too much snow forecast information can be confusing.'

Yes, there can be too much of a good thing. Social media-rologists can post forecast model data with gaudy forecasts that probably won't pan out because they get a lot of shares due to their eye-popping information. Again, trusted sources are the way to go when you're looking for the best forecast.

BONUS: 'Timing can mean everything.'

From Tom Niziol, winter weather expert at The Weather Channel: "Often it is not the amount of snow or ice that may occur, but the time of the day and the day of the week that can determine the impacts on the public. If you are expecting winter weather during the high volume traffic times of the day or week and can at all avoid getting out on the road, you will save yourself a lot of grief."

BONUS: 'Not all precipitation is created equally.'

With regards to model data, allow meteorologists to give you that; don't try to read it on your own. If a model shows 8 inches of precipitation, that could mean eight inches of rain. But when converted to snow, that could mean a whole lot more.

From Mark Elliot, meteorologist at The Weather Channel: "One inch of rain can turn into anywhere from five to 50ish inches of snow, so small errors in the precipitation forecast can have huge repercussions in the world of snow forecasting."

Update on Coronavirus

3/13/2020 (Permalink)

COVID-19 Resources

Understanding COVID-19 Coronavirus

Accelerate and customize pandemic response plans by using pandemic flu as baseline for understanding differences

We encourage organizations to seek guidance from health agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as local government entities for a comprehensive and timely view of the current situations as well as information about the nature and characteristics of the virus itself.


Gift Baskets Given To St. Joseph Firefighters

7/3/2019 (Permalink)

Appreciation Baskets

With the 4th of July this week, SERVPRO recognized and showed appreciation for all the firefighters in our area! We brought a basket of treats to each station. We know this is a busy time of year for them due to everyone having fun with fireworks. According to the NFPA...

  • In 2013, fireworks caused an estimated 15,600 reported fires in the U.S., including 1,400 structure fires, 200 vehicle fires, and 14,000 outside and other fires.
  • These fires resulted in an estimated 30 civilian injuries and $21 million in direct property damage, with no reported fire deaths. Most fireworks deaths and injuries occur without fires.
  • Two thirds of the fires started by fireworks in 2009-2013 were brush, grass or forest fires. However, most of the injuries and property damage resulted from structure fires.
  • More than one-quarter (28%) of fires started by fireworks in 2009-2013 were reported on Independence Day. Almost half (47%) of the reported fires on the Fourth of July were started by fireworks.

Our definition of a hero is someone who protects our world and continues to make it a better place. Our hero rushes in when everyone else is rushing out. Our hero sacrifices more daily than most do in an entire lifetime. Thank you to all the firefighters protecting us!